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For 1-3 years

First Stacking & Sorting Champs / Beginning Builders / First Walkers / Car Enthusiasts / Little Architects

Großer Regenbogen-1 Großer Regenbogen-2
Large Rainbow
Our Large Rainbow is a real all-rounder. Of course it looks great on the shelf, but its full potential only really comes to light when you take it apart into its individual parts and then just get started. It is ready for stacking and building all kinds of fantasy landscapes, creating small play worlds, inventing easy or tricky ball tracks, versatile use in role play, laying fun flatlays, getting to know and sorting colours and letting out energy during active movement play. That may sound like an exaggeration, but it's not - we promise! ;) Just like its model from nature, our Large Rainbow inspires with its colourfulness and contains the seven colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, indigo, violet) as well as other beautiful shades (ruby red, light green, turquoise, purple, dark red). Parents' tip: To encourage free play, we recommend that you do not place the assembled Rainbow for play, but instead tip the individual arches wildly into a basket. This way, the pieces are seen more as building material and the image of the assembled rainbow does not impact the imagination for all the other play and building possibilities. This product is recommended by spielgut (good toy guide). 12 pieces Materials: Lime wood, glazed with water-based colour Dimensions: length 35.5-36.5 cm, height 17-18 cm

Regenbogen-2 Regenbogen-3
This Rainbow tunnel is really versatile and ideal already for small children! Toddlers stack, sort and build and as the children get older they will use it as a cradle for dolls, as fence for animals, like a tunnel or bridge for vehicles, as house for dwarfs and dollhouse dolls, build amazing sculptures... this rainbow will always be integrated in playing with a lot of fantasy. This product is recommended by "spiel gut" (good toy guide). 6 pieces. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: length 17cm.

Rainbow Semi Circles
Extra large creative puzzle to be played on the floor. In combination with our Stacking Tunnels or other building blocks one can build inventive and flexible dollhouses. Little architects can experience a versatile and modern Architecture. This product is recommended by "spiel gut" (good toy guide). 11 pieces. Materials: 8mm, birch ply wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: L = 37cm.

Holzkugeln Regenbogen-1 Holzkugeln Regenbogen
Rainbow Balls
6 Wooden Balls, perfect for playing with the Rainbow (Art. No 10700) and the Large Set of Boxes (10370) for sorting colours. And ideal for marble games with the large rainbows (10670/10673/10669/93050). 6 pieces. Materials: made of maple wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: diameter = 4,5cm.

Variants from €16.50*
Großes Cabrio Blau Großes Cabrio Blau
Large Convertible Blue
Our captivatingly simple and off-road wooden convertible car can take 2 Rainbow Friends on a jaunt into the countryside. Afterward, the vehicles do not have to go into the car wash, but can simply be cleaned with a damp cloth. 3 pieces, L=13 cm, Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain

Small Convertible Green
Our captivatingly simple and off-road wooden convertible car can take a Rainbow Friend on a jaunt into the countryside. Afterward, the vehicles do not have to go into the car wash, but can simply be cleaned with a damp cloth. 2 pieces, L=10.5 cm, Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain

Large Convertible Orange
Our captivatingly simple and off-road wooden convertible car can take 2 Rainbow Friends on a jaunt into the countryside. Afterward, the vehicles do not have to go into the car wash, but can simply be cleaned with a damp cloth. 3 pieces, L=13 cm, Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain

This Waterwave is really versatile and ideal already for small children! Toddlers stack, sort and build and as the children get older they will use it as fence for animals, like a tunnel for vehicles, as house for dwarfs and dollhouse dolls, build amazing sculptures... this toy will always be integrated in playing with a lot of fantasy. 6 pieces. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: length 22cm.

Kleines Cabrio Gelb Kleines Cabrio Gelb
Small Convertible Yellow
Our captivatingly simple and off-road wooden convertible car can take a Rainbow Friend on a jaunt into the countryside. Afterward, the vehicles do not have to go into the car wash, but can simply be cleaned with a damp cloth. 2 pieces, L=10.5 cm, Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain

Regenbogen Bauplatten-1 Regenbogen Bauplatten-2
Rainbow Building Boards
These building boards are the perfect complement to the 12 piece rainbows, tunnels and semicircle (10675/10676). So many wonderful balancing and skill games as well as new construction projects can be created, leading to even more open ended play. This product is recommended by spielgut (good toy guide). 11 parts. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: 7 x 10-37 x 0,8 cm.

30 bunte Geo-Klötze-3 30 bunte Geo-Klötze-1
30 Colored Geo-Blocks
Our Colored Geo-Blocks are an absolute basic equipment for creative building. With different shapes and sizes, the building blocks are extremely versatile and the possibilities are endless. The typical GRIMM'S surface allows even beginners to enjoy their first successes. Bundled together in a fabric net, they are also easy for children to find and keep within easy reach on the shelf. 30 classic building blocks in geometric shapes in a net Materials: Lime wood, glazed with water-based paint Dimensions: 1 cm, 2 cm and 4 cm thick

Holzkugeln Pastell-1 Holzkugeln Pastell
Pastel Balls
For ball runs with our rainbows and other large murble games and for sorting colors. Perfect for playing with the Rainbow (Art. No 10701) and large Set of Boxes (10369), the children can sort the colors. 6 Wooden Balls. Materials: made of maple wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: diameter = 4,5cm.

Variants from €16.50*
Natur Halbkreise Natur Halbkreise
Natural Semi Circles
Extra large creative puzzle to be played on the floor. In combination with our Stacking Tunnels or other building blocks one can build inventive and flexible dollhouses. Little architects can experience a versatile and modern Architecture. This product is recommended by spielgut (good toy guide). 11 pieces. Materials: beech plywood, non-toxic plant based oil finish. Size: L = 37cm.

Feuer-1 Feuer-2
The Fire is really versatile and ideal already for small children! Toddlers stack, sort and build and as the children get older they will use it as fence for animals, as house for dwarfs and dollhouse dolls, build amazing sculptures... this toy will always be integrated in playing with a lot of fantasy. 5 pieces. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: height 16cm.

Regenbogen Mosaik-1 Regenbogen Mosaik-2
Rainbow Mosaic
The elemental cubic form of these blocks inspires children to build simple walls, foundations, fences, stalls as well as houses, towers and castles. The basic shape is also very useful for making tables and stools. By building and playing with these blocks, children develop fine motor skills and spatial thinking skills. 36 building blocks in a wooden frame. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain/non-toxic plant based oil finish. Size: frame 26cm, single blocks 4x4cm.

Erde-1 Erde-2
The Earth is really versatile and ideal already for small children! Toddlers stack, sort and build and as the children get older they will use it as fence for animals, like a tunnel for vehicles, as house for dwarfs and dollhouse dolls, build amazing sculptures... this toy will always be integrated in playing with a lot of fantasy. 5 pieces. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: length 16cm.

Regenbogenbrücke-1 Regenbogenbrücke-2
Rainbow Bridge
For playing with wooden train, cars etc. Ideal for 6 Cars (Art. No 09310/09300/93020), Bus (09480) and small truck (09420). 6 pieces. Materials: made from alder, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: length 41cm, 8cm thickness.

10674_Halbreise_Pastell.jpg J:\BILDER_IMPORT\2_IMPORT_SHOPBILDER\Neuheiten 2020\10674_Halbreise_Pastell_v1.jpg
Pastel Semi Circles
Extra large creative puzzle to be played on the floor. In combination with our Stacking Tunnels or other building blocks one can build inventive and flexible dollhouses. Little architects can experience a versatile and modern Architecture. Materials: 8mm, birch ply wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: L=37 cm, H= 0,8cm 11 pieces

Pastell Mosaik-1 Pastell Mosaik-2
Pastel Mosaic
The elemental cubic form of these blocks inspires children to build simple walls, foundations, fences, stalls as well as houses, towers and castles. The basic shape is also very useful for making tables and stools. By building and playing with these blocks, children develop fine motor skills and spatial thinking skills. This product is recommended by "spiel gut" (good toy guide). 36 building blocks in a wooden frame. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain/non-toxic plant based oil finish. Size: frame 26cm, single blocks 4x4cm.

Pull Along Truck
Truck Pull Toy with 10 rainbow coloured charts. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: length 22cm.

Bauplatten Pastell-1 Bauplatten Pastell-2
Pastel Building Boards
These building boards are the perfect complement to the 12 piece rainbows, tunnels and semicircle (10675/10676). So many wonderful balancing and skill games as well as new construction projects can be created, leading to even more open ended play. 11 parts. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: 7 x 10-37 x 0,8 cm.

Regenbogenbrücke Natur-1 Regenbogenbrücke Natur-2
Natural Bridge
For playing with wooden train, cars etc. Ideal for 6 Cars (Art. No 09310/09300/93020), Bus (09480) and small truck (09420). 6 pieces. Materials: made from alder, non-toxic plant based oil finish. Size: length 41cm, 8cm thickness.

Stapelspiel Mondhäuschen-1 Stapelspiel Mondhäuschen-2
Piling Game Moon Houses
Not only sort and stack forms and colours but also build leaning funny houses and towers or lay animals or images. While building, the eye-hand coordination is stimulated and fine motor skills are trained. 15 pieces. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain/non-toxic plant based oil finish. Size: length 28cm, height 22cm.

Fabuto-1 Fabuto
The children can sort and stack colours and build with the discs. While stacking, the eye-hand coordination is stimulated and fine motor skills are trained. 15 discs for stacking. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: length 25cm.

Rosa-Orangenes Bauhaus-1 Rosa-Orangenes Bauhaus
Pink-Orange Mobile Home
A small doll's house to-go! When assembled, it is a small, compact bag, but the most imaginative stories are hidden behind the felt. It consists of a roof, three arches, a kitchen, a table, two chairs and stools, a shelf and two little felt cloths. Our little flexible dolls will find a beautiful, versatile and portable home in it. 12 pieces + 2 small felt blankets and felt cover Materials: lime wood, glazed with water-based paint Dimensions: length 19 cm, height 15 cm

Horse Willy
Allready for small children to push it and walk after it! Ideal for the large wagon (Art. No 14160). Materials: made from alder, non-toxic plant based oil finish. Size: H=15cm.

Natural Building Boards
These building boards are the perfect complement to the 12 piece rainbows, tunnels and semicircle (10675/10676). So many wonderful balancing and skill games as well as new construction projects can be created, leading to even more open ended play. This product is recommended by spielgut (good toy guide). 11 parts. Materials: alder wood, non-toxic plant based oil finish. Size: 7 x 10-37 x 0,8 cm

Gnomhäuschen-1 Gnomhäuschen-2
Gnome's House
These fantastic building blocks open new possibilities in building and creating, in combination with traditional elements, again and again new and exciting worlds of experience – using a completely new design language. All Fantasy Building Blocks are ideal for toddlers as building blocks, creative puzzle, on a nature table as decoration or for creating a scene for a specific topic. 4 pieces. Materials: handpainted lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: height 12cm.

Giant Geometrical Stacking Tower
From triangle to polygon: the children can sort and stack forms and colours and build with the discs. While stacking, the eye-hand coordination is stimulated and fine motor skills are trained. 11 discs for stacking. Materials: lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: height 36cm, diameter 24cm, disc thickness 3cm.

60 Natur Geo-Klötze-1 60 Natur Geo-Klötze-5
60 Natural Geo-Blocks
Our Natural Geo-Blocks are an absolute basic equipment for creative building. With different shapes and sizes, the building blocks are extremely versatile and the possibilities are endless. The typical GRIMM'S surface allows even beginners to enjoy their first successes. Bundled together in a fabric net, they are also easy for children to find and keep within easy reach on the shelf. 60 classic geometrical building blocks in a net bag. Materials: non-toxic plant based oil finish. Size: 1cm, 2cm and 4cm thickness.

Zwiebelhäuschen-1 Zwiebelhäuschen-2
Onion House
These fantastic building blocks open new possibilities in building and creating, in combination with traditional elements, again and again new and exciting worlds of experience – using a completely new design language. All Fantasy Building Blocks are ideal for toddlers as building blocks, creative puzzle, on a nature table as decoration or for creating a scene for a specific topic. 2 pieces. Materials: handpainted lime wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: height 12cm.

Großer Kistensatz Pastell-1 Großer Kistensatz Pastell
Large Pastel Set of Boxes
The Set of Boxes is a versatile toy for the children: they can stack and sort the boxes by size and colour, build with them, use it as doll house or car port, collect treasures etc. 6 pieces. Materials: ply wood, non-toxic water based color stain. Size: length 15cm.
